Oli Nold has developed a sustainable online business teaching others the secrets he and his partner use to achieve massive results for clients via platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. Learn how he does it.

Facebook hates Oli Nold. They hate him because he’s cracked the code for how to leverage their platform for promoting businesses effectively without paying Facebook any money. Oli has since replicated his methods on neighboring platforms LinkedIn and Instagram and is now teaching others how to apply these techniques for obtaining breakout results in their own businesses.

In this episode Oli shares the four “tumblers” that unlock viral visibility for posts on LinkedIn, his process for outsourcing specific aspects of social media, the main pillars of the Traffic Secrets Academy, insights about the role of emotion in selling, and an ingenious hack that will change how you share your videos on FB and enable deep insight into who is interacting with your videos.

Show Notes

Time   Topic
0:02:15   Welcome and context
0:03:21   What do you do?
0:04:50   Are the techniques you teach specific to any industry or social media type?
0:05:56   Is there any grand over-arching theory in terms of growth hacking?
0:07:00   What is the most common mistake that people make on social media?
0:08:45   Can you tell us what are the differences between a business page, profile and a group?
0:11:35   Why do you advise people not to link their groups to their business pages?
0:16:46   Do you have a technique you recommend for finding where your audience is on social media?
0:18:47   What is your strategy for doing leadgen in a FB group without seeming sleazy?
0:20:16   Do you offer social media consulting on top of the courses and coaching?
0:24:36   Do you recommend starting on all social media platforms or picking just one?
0:27:37   Can you deconstruct the 4 layers of approval for LinkedIn you just mentioned?
0:30:45   How much effort took for that post you showed that went viral?
0:32:48   At what point people can consider outsourcing their social media?
0:35:37   Can you better explain the 4 courses you currently offer?
0:38:37   Can you think of a product or a business that is not suitable for social media?
0:41:42   Talk about the importance of user feedback
0:45:22   Describe the hack of posting an invisible video on your facebook page
0:48:28   Tell us about your travels in Asia
0:49:33   How is it working in Bali but maintaining US business hours?
0:52:35   Where are you planning to take your business next?
0:55:45   What is one book that profoundly affected you in some ways?
0:56:50   What is your favorite tool that saves you time, money or headaches?
0:58:15   What types of meditation do you practice?
1:00:16   One piece of music or musical artist that is speaking to you lately?
1:02:28   What important truth do very few people agree with you on?
1:03:50   If you could go back in time, what would you tell your 20-year-old self?


Homeless and Happy
Traffic Secrets Academy
Traffic Secrets Academy on Facebook
Lisbon Startup Incubator
Facebook Pages
Facebook User Groups
Web Summit Lisbon
Remote Year
Tony Robbins
Facebook Ads
China’s Citizen Score
Tarifa, Spain
You Are a Badass at Making Money



Image 4 of 8


Sean Tierney: 00:02:16 All right. Hey everybody. Welcome to the nomad podcast. I am your host Sean and I’m sitting here with Oliver Nold. Oliver is cofounder of homeless and happy. He and his partner, Lisa met in Hanoi Vietnam two and a half years ago and left their nine to five sedentary lives behind to explore the world. They have been traveling ever since doing online business coaching, organic social media traffic and automated sales funnels, serving clients all over the world. They run the Traffic Secrets Academy of Facebook group with over 5,000 entrepreneurs where they teach their business strategies. And these strategies have already helped hundreds of online entrepreneurs build their respective empires. Welcome Oli to the show. What an intro. Thank you very much. So it’s like to have you here, let me just give you some context in terms of how we met each other. We met, I believe a week ago you guys were doing a course in association with the Startup Lisboa Incubator, right? And it was an excellent course came up to you afterwards just because you guys really know your stuff. And so I’m excited to have you on the show. Thank you, man. Cool. So I figured, let’s start with can you tell people what you do and you got to, I just read those three things. Online, business coaching, organic social media and automated sales funnels. What does that mean? That’s it.

Oliver Nold: 00:03:25 Very good question. Something I ask myself every day. So we were kind of like let’s say over the last two years we became known as the experts for organic growth hacking because we used to build startups myself. I used to build startups in the offline world and then kind of like took that in the online world. My journey, I started like six years ago as a, as a nomad journey with Liza started like two and a half years ago. But when I started with Lisa and we found that and happy the main focus was actually to help others to do exactly the same, right? So we were like, okay, we helped you to build your startup online so you can travel and work remotely. After a while we figured out that a lot of people are like, everyone doesn’t have kind of like a budget for, for marketing.

Oliver Nold: 00:04:12 You know, like when you start off and everything, no one has money for ads and stuff like that. So we became kind of like the experts for organic grow hacking because we figured out some tactics how he can get brand awareness, how we can get seen out there without paying for ads, which was never really the goal of the company. But it kind of like funneled into that and obviously everything else, what goes along with with, you know, like the funnels, the automation in the background and all that. So organic grow hacking is our saying includes like the brand awareness and how to get seen on social media these days.

Sean Tierney: 00:04:45 Cool. And is it for any specific like industry or any specific social media? Are you guys kind of spanning all forms of social media?

Oliver Nold: 00:04:52 We’re kind of like, I mean it doesn’t matter what industry or you’re in. Right. So the only thing I would say is like, you have to have a high ticket product, right? If you, if you’re selling like low ticket, our tactics are not ideal.

Sean Tierney: 00:05:07 And what do you define as a high ticket item?

Oliver Nold: 00:05:10 Thousand dollars and plus. Okay. Usually try because what we teach involves work. If you don’t put money in ads, you’re going to work for it. Right? And if you want to work for it, you want to have a certain amount of outcome. Right? So we do brand awareness, so we help brands to get seen more better, which is probably more than a low budget region that works as well. But if you are like in ecommerce, stuff like that, then we’re not the right ones. Everything else. Perfect. We’re here.

Sean Tierney: 00:05:36 Okay, cool. Well, and I love that you’re, you’re basically, you have a similar mission that I do and that you’re helping people make this work so that they can then go nomadic and travel around. So there’s awesome. Yeah. Okay. So is there, can you start at a high level, is there any kind of like grand overarching, you know, theory of what you’re doing in terms of growth hacking or what yeah, what w just maybe you talk about it.

Oliver Nold: 00:06:00 To be very honest, it’s, it’s, it’s super simple. What I figured out is that people, when they do online business and they drop into online business, they think it’s a different world because we have a screen in front of us. All I did was like everything I learned in the offline world where I was like, you know, like involved in startup building and running companies. I took everything I learned there and put it in the online world and I’m saying it’s exactly the same. So Pete, generous, be nice, you know, like show respect, you know, like just the interact, socialize, go out there, go and communities, bring these people back in your community. It’s very, it sounds super simple, but what I learned is like, people are like, oh, now we got the screen in front of us. We’re online. Oh, everything is different. Yeah. I was just gonna say everything is described as like what I think of the antiphysis of social media these days. Right. So we tried to keep it as real as possible. Okay. Yeah.

Sean Tierney: 00:06:56 Cool. And what are you, you run this traffic secrets academy and there’s 5,000 plus people there, so you get a lot of exposure to people when they come in. What are they doing wrong? What’s like the most common mistake that you see being made?

Oliver Nold: 00:07:10 Not being consistent? That’s probably like the most the most common mistake that people give up too early. Well we see a lot is like all the people are getting lost out there because of having too many opportunities. So if you imagine when we were like in the offline world, you know, like you were locally based in one region and there’s like, okay, that’s just what we do and that’s where we are now. We have the internet and we have so many opportunities. So I meet up with people that are like, they starting their journey and like, oh, I go into drop shipping. That’s cool. Okay, do it then. Then two weeks later you meet them again. It’s like, oh, I do social media marketing now. Three weeks later, oh, I go into crypto and I like, it’s like, it’s like people are getting lost out there because it’s too much. So for the beginners, we’re definitely like, you know, like choose one, stick to it and go with it. Yeah, it’s consistency.

Sean Tierney: 00:07:59 Do you have any advice for the people that are literally at that level where they’re just, they could do anything for, in terms of choosing a niche? So you’ve already got the one filter, it’s gotta be more than a thousand dollar item, but what other, how do you winnow down that choice?

Oliver Nold: 00:08:13 Be Passionate about and check if there is a neat, you know, if there is no need for, then you’re not going to sell it. But if you’re not passionate about, it’s not gonna make any sense, then you can go back in your nine to five. You know what I mean? It’s like, it’s like, it’s like this, this healthy mix between, obviously even if you run an online business, you have to do things you’re not passionate about because you’re running a business that’s every business doesn’t matter offline or online. But if you are finding your niche by doing something you’re really passionate about and there is a need for, it’s going to work out. Cool.

Sean Tierney: 00:08:44 Can you talk about, there was a slide during your talk and it was the, the one where there was like a Trifecta of your profile, the business page and then the group. Can you help people understand those things fit together? Cause that’s something that I had always been kind of foggy on. Like what’s the difference between a business page and a group when you use which, right.

Oliver Nold: 00:09:02 That’s literally exactly what I kind of like mentioned before. I call it the triangle principle. Because you have to talk in Facebook, just talking Facebook, you have these all things on Facebook, you have a business page, has a personal profile and there is a group, right? Those are the three main things on Facebook. Literally like nothing else exists. So we compare this three sings and that’s what I said. That’s when I realized when, when I was putting my strategy, these from the offline world into the online world, what does that, there is no difference, especially by using Facebook. The personal profile is your business card. Nothing else. It’s in the real world. You would go to conferences, meet ups, likeminded people, interact, socialize, introduce yourself, give a business card. That’s what your personal profile is. The business page is your pitch. That’s you kind of like your flyer.

Oliver Nold: 00:09:51 Let’s imagine you open up a store, a shoe store down the road, and you would go, when you start off with that, you’ll grow like every day up and down the road and give flyer to people. I go, but just the open 20%, 50, whatever, you know, like that’s kind of like the business page and the group is your physical store in the real world. That’s where you want to bring all the people. So all you do, you go on that 2.4 or five a billion network of people into the right street, which means into the right niche. Go there, introduce yourself to your business card, but only with your business card because you would never have a business card. You’re not like if you introduce you to me and then give me your business card and on there is like, oh today we do a 20% discount. You would never do that on a business card. There’s no pitch on it. Just introduce yourself, funnel them into your store, let them know, oh I have that store. Probably whenever you need shoes you probably want to come, so are you not like whatever it is and use the business page as an advertisement tool and that’s long story short. Exactly how we work. Got It.

Sean Tierney: 00:10:52 Okay, so thinking in terms of that way then the funnel is basically the business card to the business page. The business page gets them into the group and the group is where you actually do that.

Oliver Nold: 00:11:00 We want to funnel all the traffic, all the traffic into the group. Which is our store. That’s where we have want to have our customers. Right. And then from there the only difference offline to online is we don’t want to sell in the group. Usually we never sell in the group or which we were doing a store where we take them outside of the store, which is a sales funnel. And do the sales outside of social media. Social media is not a place to do sales. Yeah. That’s why I call it social media. Usually. Obviously we can but usually never works out.

Sean Tierney: 00:11:32 Got It. Cool. And you, you said something interesting, I had never heard this before, but you said Facebook will offer you the option to couple your store or your business page with your group. And you said never do that. Yeah. Why is that?

Oliver Nold: 00:11:47 Huh? That’s an interesting one. And it’s because talking about organic growth, but we are specialized on, I’m not using paid traffic. Facebook gives you this features to Coppell your group and your business page because what happens then if you do that, it lowers the outreach of your group. Because then the algorithm looks at it as a tool to monetize because it’s connected to a business page. The business page is always a tool to monetize. That’s where the paid traffic goes on. That’s where it’s connected to the business manager, which is included in the ad manager and so on and on and on. So if you go, if you play by their rules, they will lower your organic outreach. Because it’s, it’s exactly works. Like Google, it’s a keyword search. You know, like it’s, it goes, you want to be ranked on page one, blah, blah, blah. Exactly the same like on Google. But if you ranked them together, they want you to pay for outreach. If you disconnect them, your organic outreach goes way up because the algorithm doesn’t look at it as a tool to monetize.

Sean Tierney: 00:12:46 Got It. In Facebook, at the end of the day, as a business, they’re just trying to extract money out of businesses. Right. So that’s Mr Soccer Bart didn’t do that. He, Bobby didn’t it for fun at the beginning, but now he wants his billions back. Right. Fair enough. Yeah. So that’s a, that was a nugget that I took from your talk is that never make that linkage and they’re very good about, I feel like leading you just making it easy to make that linkage because they see, oh this is related to this. Would you like to a couple of the others?

Oliver Nold: 00:13:12 Facebook wants you to pay on it. Facebook doesn’t like us because we show people how to do it without paid average advertisement. Right? So, but they really, they really want you to pay because as I said, and which is understandable at one point they want to have their money back. I’m always like, that’s a massive network out there. It’s like the biggest social media network out there and it’s completely free. Imagine that, you know, like it’s crazy and it’s all free. So

Sean Tierney: 00:13:38 Do you guys ever, you know how offers, like if you do a post and then post does really well, it’ll always say, do you want to boost this? Cause it can do even better. Do you guys do that or is that an unknown?

Oliver Nold: 00:13:48 Every, every now and then every, I do it very specifically. Let’s say right now it’s a very good example because we’re in Lisbon, right? Lisbon is the kind of like a small place, but we have a very high target audience here. So many entrepreneurs, so many inspiring people who are interested in our topics. So instead of me running around and share that post manually everywhere and I see a post goes, well I definitely boost that one, you know, but only I’m only boosting that post to people in Lisbon who are interested in social media marketing. Maybe in the web summit, you know, like just like high target people in here and I smashed up maybe two, 500,000 people in Lisbon. Got, yeah. And then it’s worth to pay like 20 or 30 bucks.

Sean Tierney: 00:14:33 Cool. Yeah. I’ve noticed recently, or at some point I know that I could do ads that would target people, let’s say for insurance, like we’re in the, in the space here with remote year. This is a company that’s caters to nomads. And I used to be able to run ads where I would say show me like send this ad to people that like remote year. But I’ve noticed

Oliver Nold: 00:14:52 It doesn’t give me that ability anymore. Did something change fundamentally or you ever had the chance to show it to remote year? I’m pretty sure I could do it based on pages that they had liked because they still doing it. [inaudible] But you have to be way bigger. Okay. You’re not like people who liked Tony Robbins organic reviews, that stuff still works. I believe I now remote year, but I believe like two small. Okay. That’s probably why they, why it’s not showing up anymore. But it’s highly interesting. I mean, ads these days are highly interesting. I used to run, I used to run a company back home in Switzerland when like seven, eight years ago. We did a lot of advertisement and it was a massive struggle because you advertise in the newspaper on the cinemas, you know, like, and you don’t know who’s going to fucking see that shit.

Oliver Nold: 00:15:43 Right. You just have an idea of it. But, and then Facebook especially typically gives you the opportunity to advertise that to mail people between 25 and 35 living in lesbian address it in blah, blah, blah. You’re not like, it’s, it’s highly interesting. But because it’s so, because it’s so highly target, it’s also very difficult. You know, like that’s why a lot of people fail because they don’t know their audience. And then they’re like, oh, it’s cool. I can smash that out to this and this person blowing money up in the wind. Oh, and I’m sure Facebook loves Facebook loves it. I mean, there are so many, I know so many people who are blowing money on that and not getting anything in return. And I’m like, I’m not against that. I love that they are great. But get it in front of your target audience, know your audience, know how they act, learn everything about them and then smashing it on them.

Oliver Nold: 00:16:39 And then it will convert. Are their techniques to get to know an audience when you don’t know who your audience is. Like I’m some, I’m on this podcast goes out, you know, I know I have a listenership of x number of people. I don’t know who they are but I’m not going to guess who they are but I don’t know that for a fact. Like do you have any techniques that you recommend for determining that? Yeah, I mean w w w talking Facebook, we’re going specifically true this pages and you leave, you leave kind of like marks everywhere and I like you liked that page, you commented on that post and then you did, they used that and duck. So the way we’re setting things up are literally like following one profile and look what he does and then creating like our own organic local like audiences.

Oliver Nold: 00:17:24 It’s pretty, it’s pretty complex and complicated. If you dive into it, that would take us another five hour to explain it in detail. But yeah, they are definitely strategies. How to get to know them and then it’s interaction. You know, it’s really, it’s, it’s talking to these people is that, and that’s why I love groups because groups, it’s like get in front of, it doesn’t even have to be my group. You know, like my group has like 5,000 people. That’s still a small group. I don’t see the reason why I grows organically but I don’t even see the reason why to grow it way bigger because there are people who already did that with similar target topics. So I got one group as an example. I get one group out, there is 70,000 people in there. These are 70,000 leads for my topic. So I go in there and I’m very well known in this group and I have, I have a an example or a question and I want to know does that work? And I just put it in that grew, you know like in front of 70,000 people putting a simple question on it like would you like to blah blah blah, whatever. And I get a massive interaction on it and all I going to get like Phillip maybe like hundred comments and was like that’s a hundred leads, you know, like, and then I go into personal interaction with all of them.

Sean Tierney: 00:18:36 Yeah, well no, I know you showed in your talk one of them that had something like 600 comments on it, you know, and what is your strategy in that situation to not, you don’t want to just like join a group and then post, you know, I feel like that’s kind of intruding and you’re being like unwelcomed. Then when you do that, like what is your strategy to give value and then earn your right to be able to ask your question like that.

Oliver Nold: 00:18:57 It’s exactly the same as I’m always saying, don’t overcomplicate the process. Think about the real world, which you go in there in the real world, which you go in a big community and just stand on a chair and like here I am. You know, like look at me. You would never do that. Right? Go in there, start to comment, create value, interact slowly, you know, like make sure people know you interact exactly the same. Like in the real world, you know, like show respect, be a bit like distant at the beginning and then people are like more and more, oh who is that guy? You know, like oh I see him more often coming in that group and he gives really good comments and then I won’t put probably smash a little post. You know like when people are like, oh that, that was a good value bomb and, and are like, and they’re like, oh cool, look at him. And then you get to know and then you work. You have to work your way up as you’re doing the real world.

Sean Tierney: 00:19:52 That’s exactly crazy. It’s we, it’s exactly the same. Can you please teach a course to people on reddit? Just etiquette, you know, just social media etiquette. Maybe we should consider that. It would have to be just kind of a public service. I don’t know how much you make on it, but it would be great if you can do that. Cool. So when a new client comes to you, like you guys do the traffic secrets academy and people pay for that and then do you do consulting like high dollar consulting for certain people that want from that?

Oliver Nold: 00:20:23 I do. So it’s, it’s the academy, which is a complete online course. On top of that we do group coachings if you fit in the target which W it’s like weekly group coachings in a secret Facebook groups, masterminds and stuff like that. Usually in a, on a yearly program and on off top of that. Yet it is possible to us as a one-on-one. But there we are like super picky, really like super picky. I do like three to four clients a year. It’s trading time for money, right? And that’s not what I’ve, why I choose that job, you know what I mean? But it obviously, yeah, it’s very interesting. But then it’s, it needs to be someone who is like perfectly now talking about a kind of cool, that’s what we can do.

Sean Tierney: 00:21:12 Have you done any deals where you’re aligning with them in the sense of like some type of performance bonus if you help themselves, 5,000 units or whatever it is, like track your impact too. Yeah. Yeah. Cool. Yeah, definitely. Okay. So for one of those deals in the, in the, the, the, you know, the few that you do, how do you approach a new property? What are you looking at as prison? Presumably you do some kind of audit up front where you’re, you know, looking at things, but like, what are you assessing when you first see a new property?

Oliver Nold: 00:21:41 So first things, I mean, this clients, they’re coming to us. We’re not pitching to them. You know, like if you come as a, if you come as a one on one client to us you come to us, we’re usually not going to you because that’s, no, that’s not how we work. We’re, we’re, we love the passive way. And from there, it’s a step by step process. We usually start small. I’m not allowed to talk too many details about my high taking cries. You know, I usually we start with, with bit smaller, smaller packages and we work our way up, you know, like, because if you do it the organic wide, sometimes it’s pretty hard to do a forecast. So I like to go in small, see what we can do, who do we hire, how many people do we need to on the team to get the most out of it. And then we work, we work our way up step by step.

Sean Tierney: 00:22:31 But is there any, and I’m sure it’s like unique for every case by case, it’s always going to be different. But is there any system to it where for instance, on day one you’re saying, okay, so we’re looking at traffic and the sources of leads and you know, the metrics of how their product and the funnel and all that. Is there just like a systematic means by which you kind of step through each person’s situation?

Oliver Nold: 00:22:55 Yeah, sure. I mean we’re, we’re looking, we’re looking at, we’re looking at the traffic, we’re looking at the product, we’re looking at the conversion, we’re looking at what is the situation right now. And then we’re looking, okay, how, how big could that go in terms of how much potential is there by looking at the whole social media platforms and how many people are, could probably show interest, you know, like depending, really depending on the topic. And then we work our way up step by step and then after like a months we could, we have numbers because we track everything. Absolutely. Every step. I’m like, every time. And you know, socially we track if you don’t, you know, like it doesn’t make any sense. But then we, we track and then we got to quite a good idea what is possible. And then we take it from there.

Oliver Nold: 00:23:38 At the very beginning, we’re more in a consulting position because for me that’s also very important. I want my clients to what we do, right. And then when we see, oh, that works, we’re going more in a, in a working position and we’re like, okay, that’s not now. That’s what we can do. Right? We can, we can, we can get you people on like four to five people. We’re going to do done that job. And that because then I can guarantee results. But at the beginning I’m more in the consulting was like, I show you how to hook guys how to do it. Then I’m looking and I’m, I’m kind of like observing and I’m like, I’m getting down the numbers. I’m like, okay, that’s going to be a big shot. Let’s do it.

Sean Tierney: 00:24:15 Well, I mean, that’s a perfect scenario for you to be able to kind of step back and witness and see how it goes and then pick and choose.

Oliver Nold: 00:24:23 Exactly. And if I see it’s not going to be that big, maybe not what I expected, then I’m not too proud to step away from it, you know? Like probably I’m okay, I’m sorry. We did a good job here, but that’s it. I’m not the right guy. So next. So that’s just fair enough, I believe, you know? Yeah.

Sean Tierney: 00:24:40 Great. What about do you recommend? So if I come to you and I say, you know, this is what I’m trying to do and I want to do Instagram and Facebook and Twitter and snapchat and Youtube and I’ve got all these things, do you advocate picking just one and nailing that or is there a way to start, you know, broad and thin or how do you approach it?

Oliver Nold: 00:25:03 I would say three or ideally. And I also teach three. I just only teach three. I teach Instagram, linkedin and Facebook. These are my three platform. That’s the, that’s the one we mastered so far. And I would never teach anyone a Twitter or snapchat. I know about, obviously I know a lot about the platforms, but I’ve never used it so much for my own business. So I believe like this three are the most popular ones or now they are the most popular run, but they’re more prone than most. With the, with the most outcome, you know, like depending on what your business is if you have to be on Instagram for social proof, you have to be on Linkedin for business proof and you have to be on Facebook to get the audience. So if you get this tree down but yeah, obviously if someone shows up and says, look, I want to, I want to sell shirts to 14 year olds.

Oliver Nold: 00:25:55 Then you want to go on snapchat, you know, like, or if you are in the crypto business, oh, you want to be on Twitter. Really it’s depending well in our case it’s like this tree and they work perfectly together in terms of the algorithm, Facebook, Instagram and linkedin. And linkedin really didn’t realize that that was connected to Facebook. Linkedin has the exact same, I just figured that out about six months ago. So on Linkedin, that’s still kind of new thing to us because we started off with Facebook and Instagram and realized, oh, that works perfectly. And always kept an eye on linkedin. And about six months ago, I made this discovery where I figured out that, eh, linkedin has exact the same algorithm like Facebook had about two to three years ago and I started to use the exact same strategies I used on Facebook two years ago and put them on linkedin and it worked perfectly.

Oliver Nold: 00:26:51 So linkedin, in my opinion, is going to be the new thing that’s going to be like and I love linkedin. It’s great because everyone is like a business minded on there. You can actually pitch way harder and no one is offended. It’s still, it’s the wild wild west because it’s a four layer algorithm, so you have to break through the first three actually to get viral. But once you got to the first three, you’re in front of a human being, which improves the process. Once you’re down there and you get it on the perfect, you know, either on an emotional or on a really good business advice, you smash that out and just things can go viral. We see conversions on linkedin. They were possible like three years ago on Facebook, but not anymore. Yeah.

Sean Tierney: 00:27:33 What? Okay, so you’re talking about these four layers of like breaking through. What can you deconstruct that and what does that look like?

Oliver Nold: 00:27:40 So it’s, it’s literally just like to explain it very simple. I like to explain it on Facebook. On Facebook, it’s in, it’s exactly the same on on Linkedin, your post gets in front of Hans. That’s how you do a post. That post gets in front of a hundred people, right? If this a hundred people, it doesn’t matter if you have 500 or 5,000 friends on Facebook, it’s always going to be in front of a hundred people. And if these people are starting to interact, like, and comment, the post breaks through the second layer where it’s going a big shout out to their friends and then it’s going to happen. It’s exactly the same. So it breaks it down over and over again through a group level as well. On Linkedin it was like that they are changing it that the moment, so I don’t a named me down completely on that because they’re getting more and more into an automation.

Oliver Nold: 00:28:29 The fourth layer is still controlled by a human being. Which is then on Linkedin, which was on Facebook a while ago is they look all over the world. You know, like if you have a friend in China who interacts and then you have a friend in Malaysia and then one in Russia and then one in Columbia though you guys are like spread all over the world, then this thing goes viral. That’s when, that’s when it gets in front of millions of millions of people and that’s how they get viral. In between, it’s all about the shares as well. You know, like if a post gets shared, that’s the best thing you can have that can happen to you.

Sean Tierney: 00:29:03 Got It. Okay. So linkedin and Facebook’s goal is obviously engagement and people staying on the platform and interacting via the platforms. So they’re essentially ab testing. Every post that goes out there, they’re withholding most of the audience at first to just see how much it resonates. And you’re saying there’s, there’s layers. It progressively unlocks almost more like extenuated audiences from that. Interesting.

Oliver Nold: 00:29:27 Right. The, the, the tricky thing is, you know, like if you act from your personal profile, it is pretty hard these days to go viral with the post. That’s why we love groups because that’s why we go in front of groups because we’re couldn’t be that specific post you said. I showed on my presentation, which was just like, well done. One or two months ago was was in a group we went 20,000 people but 20,000 people who technically would show interest in our product because they are nomads, they starting off and they want to do social media, business, everything like that. That’s why we like to go and grow into groups because then it happens exactly the same. The algorithm works the same but it’s in a group, it’s only in front of 20,000 people. Why easier to control. So once we look at that in the first about 10 minutes, one like a minute, then we know this thing starts to roll and then we need, as, as soon as we see comments rolling in, we stayed there for the first hour and we comment back, engage back, engage back, engage back, and then we let it roll.

Oliver Nold: 00:30:28 And usually that’s when you get like this hundreds and hundreds of likes and it gets in front of the whole community and that’s, yeah. You know, the rest, that’s when I saw that slide. What was that one that you did that had like the 600 comments on it and you said you invested, like what an hour or an hour of your time to create something that had that much return. What went into that? What was your thinking? How did you craft that message? It was actually, you know, like usually when this stuff goes viral it works with emotions. That was an a, that was like on our beginning of our Europe trip in Italy or stayed on that beautiful winery and I woke up in the morning and I did like my morning sport and after that I set up my laptop and had a coffee in the last, like just like inspired, you know, like to write something down.

Oliver Nold: 00:31:19 I was like, put that in a post so people know what you do, you know, like, just write it down and then don’t over think it and smash it out. Yeah. Usually that’s how it happens. It’s, it’s, there is no magic formula for sure. Yeah. I mean, what you said makes a lot of sense that I’ve heard it from many people and I would agree with you and sales that it’s not the logical analytical thing that ever sells it. That’s kind of like that justification needs to be there, but it’s the emotion that sells it and then not just kind of like that. And most pretty check emotions are selling these days massively. But people smell bullshit. You know, like people smell when you’re fake. They actually know when you’re fake. So just try to be a real, you know, like speak from your heart but also make sure you get your message out there.

Oliver Nold: 00:32:04 In terms of, look, I’m running a business, you know, like you know, you want to attract people, you just don’t want to smash free content out there, which is nice. But a lot of people waste a lot of time on social media by having amazing posts, amazing content, but they don’t monetize it and that’s where the mistakes begins. You know, like the people are like building communities and giving a lot of value and stuff and they don’t monetize it. You know, like, and then you, I’m like, okay, that’s not what I want to do. Not a business. Right. How, okay. Let me ask you how delegable

Sean Tierney: 00:32:40 Is this stuff? In other words, like you need to do it, you need to be in there as the entrepreneur, like knowing your audience, engaging and whatnot. But at some point that doesn’t scale. You can’t do that forever. So at what point do you recommend that people do that up to x point and then extract themselves out of that?

Oliver Nold: 00:32:57 What do you mean? Like outsourcing? Outsourcing? Yeah. it, it really depends on the business on, it depends on how fast you grow and or how fast you want to grow. I’m a big fan of outsourcing. I like to outsource as quick as possible, but I’m like learn the process, test it, define it, write it down, outsource it. It’s a simple step by steps in, you know, like, and once you got the process defined, you know exactly how it works and he tested it a few times over and over again and then you have a proper description about it and I see that that’s exactly how it works. Go and outsource it. You know, like if, if, if, if it makes cash at the backend, invest that cash and use it to grow and outsource it. But that can be off the two weeks or after two years really depending on how fast you go into it.

Sean Tierney: 00:33:46 So it’s more a function of how quickly you’re monetizing really. You’re saying outsource when once it’s just a math problem and you’re saying, look at it, I can make $5 and then just feed it back in and have someone else do that and it frees me up.

Oliver Nold: 00:34:00 I mean monetize from the first second door. Yeah, always. You know, like it’s always monetized from the first, second down. I strongly believe in that. I’m like build an audience and start to monetize from the first second on. Even if you’re not outsourcing know like outsourcing comes later. But always try to monetize from the first second on. It’s like when you open a bar, you know, like, and you wouldn’t just get, like you say, okay, I want to have 50 people in that bar, but you’re not sar serving beer off once 50 people are in, you know, like you start surfing fucking bare bones. The first person is in there. So start to monetize from the first second though. Yeah.

Sean Tierney: 00:34:38 Cool. Awesome. Yeah, I’ll, I will just share a personal story here. So I, as of two episodes ago, so previous to this I had been doing all my own production work and that’s like five hours per episode, just given the format that I chose with my show. And I finally now have a guy in Macedonia, you know, $12 an hour. He’s amazing. Marco is doing an incredible job. Shout out to Marco if you’re listening. But yeah, this, this now frees me. It gives me five hours of my week back and it allows me to go focus and actually do what I enjoy doing, which is this part.

Oliver Nold: 00:35:08 Right? Right. So, yeah, it helps. It makes so much sense. Right? It’s, it’s about, it’s, it’s exactly what it was all about. It’s work smart instead of heart. OVC always work hard as there is no shortcut, but

Sean Tierney: 00:35:22 Just assuming that that’s to be always be there. So, yeah. Yeah, yeah. That’s leverage. Can you talk about, okay, so you have four different courses that looks like from your website, the traffic secrets academy, the Facebook traffic secrets rocket on Instagram and automation through Messenger Marketing. Right? What, so I think I understand what the traffic secrets academy is. That sounds like kind of,

Oliver Nold: 00:35:44 That’s like the whole thing, including including the a hands on coaching group coaching once a week. Then the Facebook traffic secrets is just like literally the online courses with all the updates and every single goes along with, we have a special special one, which is really new now about Instagram. That’s why made by my lovely fiance Elisa. It’s only available in German at the moment. English version is coming in the next two to three months. And then this a automation true messenger marketing is a little separate course, which is obviously part of the other courses as well. But you can have it separately.

Sean Tierney: 00:36:20 Yeah. Cool. You just made me think of with the German thing, can you talk about how you pre-sold it and then you went back and you said like, hey guys, sorry, it’s only a village German and he’s like, no attrition. Everyone’s wants to wait for it.

Oliver Nold: 00:36:33 Yeah, it’s, it’s about doing market research, right? So we, we love to have not even an MVP product and we love to sell a product without having it and putting in front of an audience pre not faking it, but kind of like pretend to have a product. Say we have a product here using social media, our target audience is, and be like, Hey, you wanna buy it. We give you 90% discount and put you on a waiting list. It’s a wearable in two months. And then a lot of people jump on that. You know, like if you can have a course for $90 instead of five, $600, you could be going to be like, especially once you have a little bit of reputation and people know that you do cool shit. So they’re like, oh cool. Yeah, that’s a Chen. I take that.

Oliver Nold: 00:37:17 So we put that stuff in front of social media of our audiences and pretend to have it and then get the feedback out of it. In this specific case for the Instagram course, it wasn’t even that much. The goal to do a massive market research. We wanted to do a market research, but it was just more like, hmm, let’s see how good it sells. Right. Let’s see if there is a need for it because we’re not the only ones doing Instagram courses. Right. It was like, okay, let’s, let’s see how good that works. Right. And so we did that pre-sale and then figured out that in Lee’s us audience there was like 80% Germans who wrote that course and we always talked about to produce that quarter. Usually we produce in English and then German afterwards. So, and then it was like 80% of German buyers. They were like, oh, maybe we should put that in front of the German audience putting it in German and then I’m putting it out. Light it for the

Sean Tierney: 00:38:11 English ones. Yeah. You learned a lot from it. I think it’s so spot on what you guys do well, doing it that way versus sending out a survey because everyone says, oh yeah, I would buy it. You know? But until you’re actually pressing the buy button and thinking you’re buying or you’re not getting accurate data. Right, exactly. That’s great man. True. Awesome. Okay. Let me ask this question. Is there anyone for whom social media doesn’t work? Have you seen

Oliver Nold: 00:38:36 Companies just fail and just recommend, you know, what social media is not for you, your government or I don’t know, like what’s an example of a organization for whom it doesn’t work? I mean, there are still big companies who are not using social media for their advantage. Luckiest. Because once they’re on, the prices will go massively off. You know, like if a coca cola or so goes on Facebook, then we are a fuck because ad prices will be massively up. If then, if a company like this comes in and put millions or billions on stuff like that I strongly believe that. It doesn’t matter if you are the local bakery down the road or a multibillion dollar company, you have to have a social media appearance there days. There is no way to avoid that. Yeah, I haven’t seen anyone who, I mean I see a lot of people who failed with social media because doing it wrong.

Oliver Nold: 00:39:26 But to have a proper social media strategy these days and it’s still, it’s still new to a lot of people. You know, like it’s, it’s very, very early stage we are in. Even if like, yeah, the good times with the ads are over, you know, like you can’t be one of the early adopters anymore. People make their money out of it, but it’s still, it’s, it’s like so super cheap to go on social media these days and have a proper social media periods. That’s why I’m like, Oh, you have to have a proper linkedin profile. You have to have, depending on your business, but mostly like an Instagram account, which kind of like this is social proof and then you have to have a Facebook which proofs you as well and doesn’t matter who you are. I believe everyone needs to have it. Cool.

Oliver Nold: 00:40:09 Yeah. And those ones that flopped, they did it wrong. What did they do that would you attribute that failure to, I mean, it’s very, you know, like it’s, it’s very tempting to go to do stuff wrong by putting out the wrong messages. The one of the most PR we’re getting very emotional about that, you know, like, and the problem is when we, when I talking about my own experience, you know, like when, when we had India years ago when we advertised and we used like TV and newspapers and cinemas for all, for our advertisement, it was a, it was a very logical process in the back where we were like, okay, now we do this advertisement, but these days I can be in an angry mo mood and grab my phone and tell 2 million people that I fucking hate all of them because I was just fucked up by whatever it was. You know, like as it stays stare, you know, like you can go, Oh, if you get a shit storm, it can destroy your whole business. And we see stuff like that going viral, that whole brands and celebrities, you know, like you’re going to take them down just because it goes so viral on social. So I think it’s, you have to be only the smart ones survive on it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know dominoes had big

Sean Tierney: 00:41:34 Incident and I remember exactly what it was. It was something. But yeah, so it’s when it, because it’s not their website or something they control, it’s that wildfire gets out of control and now [inaudible]

Oliver Nold: 00:41:43 You can see it. It’s a complete different world we’re living in, you know, like an even like, you know, like when, when, when stuff like that goes viral, when, when for celebrities or so you know, like, and they get like they get a wrong comment out there and someone spreads that on. It’s kind of taken down a whole brand, you know, like it’s, it’s completely, it, it’s a different world we’re living in. Yeah. So you have to be very aware of what you’re doing.

Sean Tierney: 00:42:08 Yeah. Well, I know there’s an entire departments, it places, you know, monitoring in, designed to jump on, like airlines for some reason come to mind because I know everyone is the first place you go to Twitter or whatever to complain about your airline treating you wrong. So yeah,

Oliver Nold: 00:42:22 I mean look at these days it’s a very good example is now we are guests here in Lisbon and we almost every day eat at least once a day. We eat out in all this beautiful, the restaurants, sometimes bigger, sometimes very local, but almost everyone at the end is like, could you please read, review, review me on TripAdvisor because that’s what matters. You know, like, and if your reviews on TripAdvisor dot. Social as well, you know, are bad. No one goes there, you know, like everyone checks on that. Everyone checks. What’s your writing on Facebook, on your business page, you know, like everyone is liberal. Social proof became so important. So yeah, you better make sure you surf your meals, right?

Sean Tierney: 00:43:02 Yeah. Well, and now it’s like I don’t know if you’ve heard about the China citizen score stuff that’s going on there where they’re taking it to a whole new level. I heard about that completely now. Like attached to you personally and your, your TripAdvisor rating is now like on your face basically.

Oliver Nold: 00:43:17 Oh yeah. That’s, that’s the future. That’s what’s going to happen. Well, like I said, we’re, we’re in a very early stage and what they do these days on all these platforms, they collect data. They, you, they at the moment everyone is like checking how do a user interact, you know, like, and it’s, it’s going to be like extreme and it’s going to be exploding I believe in a very short amount of time. That’s just the very beginning. But everyone will know everything about everyone else. There is no way to avoid that anymore. In a few years. It’s going to be crazy.

Sean Tierney: 00:43:52 Two episodes ago the previous guy that interviewed miles, we got deep into the Libra conversation, Facebook’s curb cryptocurrency. And given how much Facebook already knows as a platform, just about your likes and interests. Now marry that up with this ubiquitous like cash know crypto cash that now they control and they now have full insight all the way to the buying habits. Yeah. Everything.

Oliver Nold: 00:44:14 They know everything about you and we, we feed them every day with free data by just acting on this platforms, you know, like they know everything. But maybe you have that, that moment, you know, like where are you like since weeks and weeks you sleep really bad and then you’re like, fuck today I’m done with that. I’m going to buy a new mattress. And that’s exactly going to be the day when it pops up on your [inaudible].

Sean Tierney: 00:44:39 These feeds is like an advertisement for a mattress. As you know, like this is, it’s just because you act like so many other people having exactly the same problems. Like they know every single, oh yeah. Yeah. Well, it’s just today funny, funny enough having a conversation with someone in whatsapp in Tarifa Tarifa is there like a very Nice Kite surfing destination that comes up and sure enough on my Facebook, I’m now getting an ad for 35 and it’s like there’s two different, totally different platforms granted owned by the same man, but like they’ve got it to that level and that words man guy, they got it. Put it in on Google. It’s going to be on your news feed on Facebook, you know, like the searching for hotels there. It’s going to be on your newsletter. It’s all overlapping these days. Yeah. all right. I want to talk, there was a hack that you brought up that, that was super interesting back on the topic of Facebook and video and whatnot. And it was related to posting a video in your Facebook business page, but then making an invisible because that then gives you some kind of stats tracking. Can you talk about what that is?

Oliver Nold: 00:45:37 By using the advantage of organic growth and not using paid advertisement or just using paid advertising for retargeting? We’re still going to collect a lot of data. So will we do with our business pages? Is we record a video about a certain topic or let, let me, let me keep it simple. We recorded an intro video for our group, right? And we post that video on our business page as a simple video. Hello, how are you? Blah blah, blah blah. Are you buzzing of business page? And then once it’s uploaded, we hide the video. So first before we hide it, we take the URL from the video, you know, like just take the URL from the video and then we hide the video so no one can see it anymore. And then we take that URL and go in our group and post that URL in the groups or the video appears.

Oliver Nold: 00:46:30 Again, write a nice post. So what we create now is like in the businessman at sure we can create a lookalike audience and can see how many people are, can target everyone who watched that video for like three seconds, you know, like, so we then smash out to a, the point we smash out an ad where we saying oh I know you’re in my group, you might be interested to download my free cheat sheet and it’s only gonna go out to a few thousand people. It cost you like nothing, but it’s super, super high target. You can use exactly the same, the same stragedy by a lot of groups have promotion days, you know, like one day in the week where you can do your promotions. So what we do is like we recorded a nice video, kind of like two minute value bomb where we give a certain hack and we upload it in a business page, take the URL, do it in a group. It’s 100,000 people, smash it in there. It’s going to be approved because it’s promotion day. And then from there we track them, we create a lookalike. You audience in our ad manager is there in the Pixel section and were like, okay, we want to see every, we will now target in the ad everyone who watched that video for at least three seconds because then we know you might be interested in our content

Sean Tierney: 00:47:41 So you can not only retarget those people who’d started to watch it. So you know, there’s some intent there that they’re interested in it. But it sounds like also with the lookalike audience that’s like this Freebie find me more people like them out there for sure. So it gives you extra reach as well. That’s awesome. Yeah, that’s an amazing hack. Cool. all right, well I wanted to, well actually I want to bring this up cause I was looking at your blog in the last blog posts you wrote was about safety wing and I just interviewed their founder so Sunday. It was just one of my guests on there. So yeah. But no great service and really cool that they’re clearly doing their job and getting out there and prolific.

Oliver Nold: 00:48:15 I do a very good job. Yeah. We partnered up with them like years ago about that. Yeah, they’re great. Yeah. Nice. Cool.

Sean Tierney: 00:48:25 Well, so that’s a good transition. And talking about traveling and nomadism you guys have been all over and it sounds like you really enjoy Asia. Can you talk about some of your travels there? And

Oliver Nold: 00:48:34 The reason why I love Asia so much is I love the easygoing lifestyle. I love, I love the people. And it’s obviously like you get like an amazing living standard for a very low cost. That’s what kept me in Asia all over the time.

Sean Tierney: 00:48:53 Yeah, I see Polly, you guys, it seems like that’s your spot, right?

Oliver Nold: 00:48:56 For now it is. Yeah. For nowadays it was a, we have a base in Bali. We have a, we have a house in Bali. We are there now since almost two years. I used to live in Vietnam before, which was my personal hotspot. But then Lisa didn’t like it numb. And so when we met and decided to do that journey together, if she said, okay, I’m coming with you but are going to leave Vietnam, it’s like, okay, let’s look for something else. We ended up in Bali then and Bali is, is beautiful. It has this tricky parts, but it’s definitely a beautiful place.

Sean Tierney: 00:49:28 Yeah, it’s definitely seems to be a nomad hotspot. Like you hear all about it. How does that work? I’m just curious business hour wise, do you deal like where does the bulk of your audience live and is your core such that you can be completely asynchronous with everyone?

Oliver Nold: 00:49:44 It’s in terms of business and for our audience, it’s the worst decision you can make is moving to Asia. Because it’s literally legs in the wrong corner of the world. It doesn’t, it doesn’t fit at all. Which I’m actually realizing now being here even more, me being here for a months or even longer, and obviously working with the same clients, I’m like, wow, that’s cool. We don’t stay up late nights because we have that massive time gap. Yeah, it’s, it’s a tricky one. It’s probably the, the biggest disadvantage of living in Asia. Yeah. Yeah. Given the cost of living and we are in a, at the moment in the transition process where I’m definitely want to considering having a second base here in Europe, especially in Lisbon. I personally would love to come back

Oliver Nold: 00:50:37 For

Oliver Nold: 00:50:38 A good amount of the year. Lisa is more like all that stay in Bali, so I have to convince her to come back. I’ve been in Asia for six years now. At one point you kind of like, I don’t want to say you’re done with Asia because I love it, but I would like to reduce my time in Asia and spend more time in Europe. Asia also gives me a hard time in terms of business, it’s really, really hard to make things official and all like, it’s like, that’s one of the biggest things is I’m in Bali specifically or Indonesia, they do not allow me to pay taxes. So we’re, we’re having a company based in the UK with, that’s where we paid business taxes and the every thing. But, but everything else, it’s very hard to make it official in Bali because they th the system is just not prepared for people like us and we’re growing, growing and growing this company and I want to have everything officials, I’m like, okay, let’s go back to Europe and I’m having a second base so we can move back and forth.

Oliver Nold: 00:51:32 Asia has its tricky parts. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. Is Bali the one, I know Thailand has it like a nomad visa. I don’t know. Bali has the same. Not yet. No. Thailand has one, but Bali is kind of like in the process of, of getting there. I believe like in the next five years it might happen, but it’s still like, yeah, it’s one of the corruptors places in the world, you know, like, so people living off all that money, people pay to not getting in troubles. Yeah. Including us. And so there is not a massive effort for them to change that. Yeah.

Sean Tierney: 00:52:05 I just learned something interesting. This is a complete random aside, but as an American, apparently if I’m in that scenario and I get essentially extorted and you know, they said, hey, you need to pay this bribe me paying it actually constitutes a crime. I found out, oh, it’s kind of a rock and a hard place. It’s like whose laws do you break them. That’s interesting. That’s cool. That’s very interesting. Okay. Dressing is a good word for it. It’s tough spot. But yeah. Well so where, where, where, where do you see this business going? Where, where do you guys want to take it? What, what does the future look like?

Oliver Nold: 00:52:39 For homeless and happy? Yeah. Specifically. I want to take it to a point where it becomes very sustainable. I believe like sustainability is the biggest thing I want to reach. And then I want to bring it to a point where I can say we’re not aiming for more revenue but for less working hours because that’s why I chose that lifestyle. Yeah. And where like in with this specific company, where in year two, year one, the first year was amazing. So we as a startup we were really happy with, went really cool through the first year. But year two now is even more kind of like an up and down journey. So like I said, for me sustainability is the most important thing and then having a certain amount of revenue on a sustainable base. So I reduced my work hours and then I’m kind of like set off for the rest of my life. Yeah. It’s obviously it’s going to be like I want to grow it to kind of like a medium sized company. And hopefully that’s the one we stick to it. Yeah.

Sean Tierney: 00:53:45 Do you intend to have like a full time team or use contractors or how do you envision?

Oliver Nold: 00:53:50 We have a, we have a, a little amount of people working on contracts with us. So there like fixed employees and then we have a lot of freelancers depending on projects. So one of our biggest benefits we have, we have a massive network. We’re really, really good price in that whole thing. So we know so many people and they know so many people. So whatever comes along the way, we know someone who gets the job done. And I liked that because it’s an in stable thing usually. So we’re working from project to project and we’re like, okay, we need to get that done. I know this guy’s going to do it. Yeah, yeah,

Sean Tierney: 00:54:26 Yeah. You can burst the ability to burst up and down and it sounds like you already had, or at least in the, in the workshop the other day, you shared the story of Lino being on the beach and getting that touching on your phone where you get a thousand dollar courses.

Oliver Nold: 00:54:37 It happens, it happens, it happens. It’s, it’s not, I, I don’t want to say it’s usual. It’s not, it’s not what happens every day, but it happens more and more. Yeah. That, that’s it’s a, it’s all about building trust, right? That building your audience, building trust so that literally like people are like, even even when it happens and then you check your phone and you look who is the buyer, you’re usually oh, there is a certain, there’s kind of a connection and we you have like a story cause it probably was once in contact with us and then when in and out of the community till the ID side. Oh cool. Now it’s time to invest in. I want to buy that course. You know, like we’re not on a stage where people just buy because we have such a massive brand where like, oh, you need to have that course. That’s kind of like where I want to go. Yeah. But it happens every now and then and it’s a cool feeling. Cool. Yeah.

Sean Tierney: 00:55:31 Nice. So I think, well that’s a good place to wrap up. This part of the interview. As I mentioned, we’d go into this tactical rapid fire section that I call it the breakdown. So you ready for the breakdown? I’m ready. Alright. Break down, baby. All right. What is one book that has profoundly affected you?

Oliver Nold: 00:55:51 I’m a Badass at making money by Jen Sincero changed my life. Absolutely. Money Mindset. Yeah. I read a few books about money mindset, but she nailed it down. And since then I have, yeah, a complete different relationship to money, which I think is really important because everyone worries about money. Right? It’s the end of the day, it’s about how much cash you get in and yeah, she changed everything like, like a year ago.

Sean Tierney: 00:56:19 Nice. And did that have a noticeable impact? Did once you read that and the mindset shifted,

Oliver Nold: 00:56:24 Did you actually see things happening differently? Yeah, definitely. Absolutely. I mean, there are many other books. I love to read books or mostly listened to books. To be honest. I love volleyball, but there like, there’s a big picture of many books, changed a lot of things. But every time I get that question quite often as she’s the first one who pops, I was like, that was a change. Cool. I’ve never even heard of that one. What about, what is one tool or hack that you use to save time or money or headaches? And you already mentioned audible. So like that’s one way [inaudible]. Exactly. So here’s what I try to do. I’m not getting it down to perfection, but when I read the first thing, I try to have a routine. Mornings are really important to me. So you know, like going up, get my coffee, I meditate, I do some morning stretches or whatever, and then the first thing I do is I do a task which gets me revenue.

Oliver Nold: 00:57:26 So I have, I have a daily goal and I’m like, okay, this is the amount of money I want to make today. And I go and do that once that stuff, I can join my day. That’s at the first task I do in the morning. But depending on business should be something which gives me money. And even if it’s just dialing numbers and doing a retargeting and say, look, are you ready to go into course? Whatever. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So that checks that box and you’ve checked that box and I feel relaxed and that really saves me a lot of headaches. And a lot of, I’m like, I’m sorry I’m not achieving that every day. But yeah, it gets, it gets, it gets me to a point where I can then say, okay, cool, we got it done today. That doesn’t mean that I stopped working because there was a lot of, I love to build, I love to create and all that stuff obviously, but then I can take that box and we’re good.

Oliver Nold: 00:58:13 What’s cool? Yeah. On the meditation topic, what any particular form of meditation that you practice or how do you do it? I’ve been introduced to meditation actually not that long ago. Bali was a game changer two years ago, obviously. And I kind of like, for me, meditation is what I try to do. I try to remove everything in my head. So there is nothing, because my head is like a train station and it’s like constantly I can’t stop thinking. That’s really like struggling with that. I can’t stop thinking. So when I meditate, I try, that’s my main goal, not to sink about anything. I’m not meditating about any stuff, you know, like, like a lot of people do. It’s, I kinda like figured out my, I tried all these apps and I actually had a coach and she introduced me to new meditation techniques, all coal and breathing and everything. I just sit there and I kind of like imagined that every sot who pops in my head, I like to try to remove that. And every time when it pops up with like go away, go till there is nothing and there was like emptiness and that’s the great thing,

Sean Tierney: 00:59:24 This feeling. And even if it just likes two seconds as like, wow, that was cool. Yeah, let’s go. It’s funny, I’ve heard it described as a bath for your mind. I do meditation as well. I’ve tried headspace. I’m currently doing Sam Harris Waking Up, which has an app for it. But also, yeah, just sometimes just sit there and, yeah. And it’s just I’m not so much actively trying to push away stuff as much as let it kind of like a fish swim by and acknowledge it and then let it just keep swimming by it, you know? So That’s interesting. But everyone, I think ultimately it really doesn’t matter. It’s what works for you. Right?

Oliver Nold: 00:59:58 Yeah. I think everyone is super different than as, as you said, you have to figure out what works best for you. I really try not just with, with dictation with everything. I love to try new things and when I see, oh, that works cool. I want a master record with getting better at. Yeah. Yeah.

Sean Tierney: 01:00:15 Cool. what about, what is one piece of music that speaks to you lately or an artist or musical artist or song or Italian? Like deepest secret. If it’s Katy Perry, then

Oliver Nold: 01:00:31 No, that I went by my close friends. They know and when someone asks, I’m not afraid to talk about it, but I really, really love country. I don’t know. Yeah. I love country music. That’s what it is. I, 90% of my day I listen to country music. I just touched my heart. Yeah. I mean, yeah, I mean that’s just a podcast so you don’t have a picture of it. Look at me.

Sean Tierney: 01:00:55 [Inaudible] I definitely don’t look like the guy who listens to country. Not at all, but I’m being very real and raw and honest. I love country music. Cool. Yeah. Anything particular about it that speaks to you or what?

Oliver Nold: 01:01:08 I just love you not like because they’re telling stories, you know, like the country music tells a lot of stories and like kind of like gives me goose bombs or makes me emotional. And I love when something touches my heart and even if it’s just like this guy talking about how he lost his girl off

Sean Tierney: 01:01:28 The fifth bottle of Whiskey, I was just like, what the fuck? That’s awesome, man. Is there any particular country artists or any, any that comes to mind?

Oliver Nold: 01:01:42 Not specifically. I, I really like, I like a lot. I like a lot. The big range. I’m mostly more like into the old school stuff. I mean, I also love the, you know, like I love Chasse, Blues Rock and all that. I’m definitely, I’m not into electronic music at all and never, ever listened to electronic or so even if I was running one of the biggest DJ shops in, in Switzerland where by the time, but I’ve never, never was really like I go to a, every now and then I go to electronic parties with friends or stuff, but that’s it. So everything else is literally like very broad and as long there is a guitar, there is a drum, there is a singer. I am on it. Cool. Yeah. Awesome. all right,

Sean Tierney: 01:02:25 So this one is maybe a bit of a curve ball, but what important truth do very few people agree with you Alan?

Oliver Nold: 01:02:32 With a lot of people don’t agree with it, but I know it is. The true is like the way, again, we don’t have a picture here, but as you now look, I still dress exactly the same way as I did when I was 18 and I was, I was writing Skyport and it doesn’t matter if I go and sell you a pen or $100,000 projects, this is how I show up. And people are like, you can’t do that, bro. You gotta you know, like you’ve got to get your shit together and grow up. And I’m like, no, I’m done this kind of like, you know, like I’m so strong, really, really so strong and being just 100% myself and I don’t care about what other people think I do in certain ways. I do what care without people thinks about my behavior things, but not about the way I, and images. That’s me. That’s just 100% me. And even if I ever will reach like to the stars and become like the next whatever, I’m going to be one person myself, I’m not changing.

Sean Tierney: 01:03:33 I can’t give you the biggest high five enough to that, to that man. I wear the same cargo shorts I think I’ve had for about 12 years and I get shit to know. But yeah, no, here’s, here’s the keeping, just being real to yourself. 100%. All right, one last question here. What if you had a time machine to go back to your 20 year old self, what one piece of advice would you give yourself?

Oliver Nold: 01:04:00 Rock even harder. Just go all in.

Sean Tierney: 01:04:03 Yeah, no, that guy, I always went all in, but if I could go back, I was like, Bro, just go even more. Keep fucking around until you die. It’s cause it’s crazy. Best time ever, right? Yeah. It was a perfect way to end. So Ali, where, where can we send people? How can they get ahold of you? Or if they want to learn more about the course? I’d say the simplest way is like homelessnhappy.com.

Oliver Nold: 01:04:27 Yeah, that’s the website. It’s homeless n happy not and happy. Happy.Com there you’re going to find every same, you’re gonna find our social media channels, all our freebies, courses, whatever you’re interested in. That’s where you find this. Perfect. Cool.

Sean Tierney: 01:04:43 Awesome man. Thank you so much for being on the show. Thank you very much for having me. Highly appreciate. Cheers.

Contact Details

Oliver Nold
Blog or Personal Site
Links to anything you’ve written (or recorded)


Current Company
Homelessnhappy LP
Current Title
Something noteworthy or an accomplishment
How to get massive outreach on Social Media by taking advantage of Organic Growth Hacking
Countries Visited
  • Cambodia
  • Canada
  • France
  • Germany
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Italy
  • Netherlands
  • Portugal
  • Switzerland
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  • United States of America
  • Viet Nam
Where in the world are you now?
Where were you living when you decided to start a nomadic life?
What were the initial set of circumstances or motive(s) that led you to experiment with a nomadic life?
personal freedom
Was there something specifically you were looking to gain or escape from that you’re willing/able to share?
What was it and did that play out as you were hoping?
living on my own terms. escape the system. worked out pretty well 😉
What did you do for income/work while traveling?
almost everything….hahahah
Did that situation change at all during the course of your travels?
What happened?
Life came in between
Are you still doing the same work today as when you went nomadic?
Did you find it challenging to do your work from abroad?
What were the main challenges of doing your job from the road?
What type of personal or business growth did you expect to experience and how did that turn out in actuality?
it turned me into a complete different person
What was the highest high-point and lowest low-point of your travels?
building my own company

being completely down and broke in Sri Lanka

Was there ever a point at which you gave serious consideration to quitting the nomadic journey?
What made you stick it out?
Was it hard to re-integrate back into society after your travels?
I’m still traveling!
Is there a piece of gear you could you not live without at this point?
Please provide a link to this product
its my mcbook
Any ideas for a product or service to solve a pain point for nomadic travelers you believe should exist?


Sean is host of Nomad Podcast, author of the Nomad Prep eCourse to help others successfully transition to the nomadic lifestyle. Sean is also founder of Problemattic, a global movement to mobilize knowledge workers for good. Read more from Sean on his personal blog or his business blog.

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Nomad Podcast is a series of conversations with nomads, founders and domain experts to help get more people unstuck through transitioning to a nomadic lifestyle. Add your email to get special access to private AMA sessions, pre-release products and other VIP shiz.